Why You Should Be Aware at a Casino Roulette Table

Why You Should Be Aware at a Casino Roulette Table
If you frequent casinos and are unaware of rogues and their methods at the casino roulette table, you could lose a lot of money without ever realizing it. I must have lost a lot of money this way until one day I realized what was actually going on around me. This realization came when I found a rogue helping himself, quiet innocently to my money in my pocket! Besides cash notes, we also carry casino chips in our pockets.
I encourage you to be alert whenever you are at a casino roulette table especially when it is busy and people are rubbing against each other. A thousand rand or two thousand rand chip is a lot of money to give away to a pick pocket. I was the perfect prey or niche market for pick pockets. The rogues know you are distracted by the game. They know that you have cash or chips in your pocket. They know they can get close to you and even bump you a few times without you noticing. There could be no better time and place for a smart pick pocket to thrive.
Think of  a market! The cameras in a casino are not there to look for pick pockets. They are there for settling disputes, monitoring staff and targeting specific projects assigned. Besides, pick pockets are able to conceal their actions from the camera, by being against or next to the victim. There are also other forms of theft by players and croupiers at the casino roulette table.
Thousands must go missing to ignorant and unsuspecting customers while at the casino. Some rogues also have methods to remove your money off the roulette table without anyone noticing. This sneaky method is almost impossible for victims to spot at busy crowded tables.
To ensure control, focus and peace of mind at the roulette table, please visit us and discover more rogue tactics and solutions to these tactics.

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